
International ConvEx-3(2017) Exercise (video)

International ConvEx-3(2017) Exercise (video)

In order to have successful performance of duties by all the subjects in emergencies, which are primarily aimed at the protection of the health and the lives of people, their property and the environment, there is need for regular participation in the international exercises and testing of the system of protection and rescue. One of such exercises the purpose of which was to test the system of response during an emergency arising from a nuclear accident in the neighbouring country was performed in 2017.

Public Announcement

Public Announcement

Due to frequent inquiries from the citizens and media coverage of the current situation in Eastern Europe, as well as the impact on the citizens of Serbia, we, hereby, inform the public that Serbian Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security Directorate, in line with its competences, is currently performing additional activities of radioactivity monitoring in the air in the Republic of Serbia.

Work of Directorate Recognized in African Continent

Work of Directorate Recognized in African Continent

The Director of Serbian Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security Directorate, Mr. Sladjan Velinov, hosted today the CEO of African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), Mr. Eddy Maloka during his one-day visit to Belgrade.

Serbia Receives Latest Nuclear or Radiological Early Warning System

Serbia Receives Latest Nuclear or Radiological Early Warning System

Since 2021, Serbian Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security Directorate (SRBATOM) has been a part of the European Commission international project whose objective is to upgrade the system for early warning on a nuclear or radiological accident. The project foresees the procurement and installation of 33 monitoring stations …

Mayor of Subotica and Austrian Ambassador Support Project of “Zelena Srbija”

Mayor of Subotica and Austrian Ambassador Support Project of “Zelena Srbija”

Serbian Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security Directorate (SRBATOM) in cooperation with Color Media Communications and with the support of the Provincial Secretariat for Urban Planning and Environmental Protection continued with the realization of “Zelena Srbija” project in Subotica. The partners of this year’s project are PC “Vojvodinasume”, OTP Bank, Lidl and Telenor.

New EURDEP Agreement with European Commission Signed

New EURDEP Agreement with European Commission Signed

Serbian Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security Directorate has raenewed with the European Commission the agreement on the submission of data into the EUropean Radiological Data Exchange Platform – EURDEP.

Important notice

Important notice

We are reminding all authorization holders and licensees subject to the old Law, that is to say, the holders of the authorizations and licences issued by 09 December 2021 that these authorizations and licenses, according to the provisions of Articles 245 and 246, paragraph 1 of the Law on Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security (Official Gazette of RS Nos. 95/18 and 10/19) ARE NO LONGER VALID as of 01 January 2022. Therefore, the interested parties are required to submit new applications with necessary documentation for the approval, that is, authorization issuance.



Serbian Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security Directorate (SRBATOM), with the support of the Provincial Secretariat for Urban Planning and Environmental Protection, continued the realization of “Zelena Srbija” project in Pozarevac on 17 November and then in Kragujevac on Friday 19 November.