When submitting to Serbian Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security Directorate the applications for license issuance, decisions on the use, and permits, in addition to the other prescribed documents, it is necessary to submit the proof of payment of the republic administrative fee, in order to act upon the request and pass the required act.

The fees are prescribed by the Law on Republican Administrative Fees (“Official Gazette of RS”, Nos. 43/03, 51/03 – correction, 53/04, 42/05, 61/05, 101/05 – other law, 42/06 , 47/07, 54/08, 5/09, 54/09, 35/10, 50/11, 70/11, 55/12, 93/12, 47/13 – harmonized dinar amounts, 65/13 – other law, 57/14 – harmonized dinar amounts, 45/15 – harmonized dinar amounts, 83/15, 112/15, 50/16 – harmonized dinar amounts, 61/17 – harmonized dinar amounts , 50/18 – harmonized dinar amounts, 95/18 and 38/19 – harmonized dinar amounts, 138/22 i 54/23 – harmonized dinar amounts) and the amounts are determined by the tariff headings Nos 171 and 200.

Service users pay a fee for the following:

Issuance and renewal of a license for a nuclear activity performance52.070,00 dinars
Issuance and renewal of a license for a radiation practise performance9.920,00 dinars
Issuance of a permit for trade in ionizing radiation sources9.920,00 dinars
Issuance of decisions for the use of ionizing radiation sources9.920,00 dinars
Issuance of an authorization certificate, by an individual activity29.800,00 dinars
Issuance of a decision upon request on approval of transport of ionizing radiation sources in the territory of the Republic of Serbia6.010,00  dinars
Issuance of a decision upon request on a six-month permit for transport of radioactive cargo18.570,00  dinars

The payment of the republican administrative fee shall be made by a general payment slip into the current account of the Budget, as follows:

  • purpose of payment: Republican administrative fee
  • recipient: RS Budget
  • account: 840-742221843-57, model 97, reference number 37-01880818
  • payment code: the code is 153 if the payment is cash, and if the payment is wire the code is 253.


The name of the fee payer, indicated on the payment slip, must be consistent with the name of the person who submitted the request and to whom the document for which the fee is paid is issued.

Pursuant to the Law on Republican Administrative Fees (“Official Gazette of RS”, Nos. 43/03, 51/03 – correction, 53/04, 42/05, 61/05, 101/05 – other law, 42/06 , 47/07, 54/08, 5/09, 54/09, 35/10, 50/11, 70/11, 55/12, 93/12, 47/13 – harmonized dinar amounts, 65/13 – other law, 57/14 – harmonized dinar amounts, 45/15 – harmonized dinar amounts, 83/15, 112/15, 50/16 – harmonized dinar amounts, 61/17 – harmonized dinar amounts , 50/18 – harmonized dinar amounts, 95/18 and 38/19 – harmonized dinar amounts, 138/22 i 54/23 – harmonized dinar amounts) there is an exemption of the fee for the following:

  • authorities, organizations and institutions of the Republic of Serbia;
  • authorities and organizations of the Autonomous Provinces, i.e. local self-government units;
  • compulsory social security organizations;
  • institutions established by the Republic of Serbia, autonomous provinces or local self-government units;
  • churches and religious communities, registered under the Law on Churches and Religious Communities;
  • the Red Cross of Serbia;
  • foreign diplomatic and consular missions, subject to reciprocity.