The national training course for the introduction of theranostics treatment in the field of nuclear medicine for physicists, the first of such kind in our country, will be held 04 – 08 March in the Serbian Medical Society and under the organization of the Hybrid Imaging Active within the Serbian Medical Society, the Center for Nuclear medicine at the University Clinical Center of Serbia (UCCS), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Serbian Radiation and Nuclear safety and Security Directorate (SRBATOM).

This training course is organized as a part of the national project of the Republic of Serbia with the IAEA – SRB 6017 “Introducing Radionuclide Theranostics in the Centre of Nuclear Medicine, Clinical Centre of Serbia“. Within this project and with the support of the Ministry of Health of Serbia and the UCCS, numerous professional trainings of nuclear medicine specialists, medical physicists, radiopharmacists, and senior radiology technicians have been conducted. In addition, valuable equipment used for the installation of radiopharmaceutical theranostics laboratory at the University Clinical Centre of Serbia has been procured through this project.
The organizer of the course is Prof. Dr Vera Artiko from the Center for Nuclear Medicine at the University Clinical Center of Serbia. This course will, among other things, serve to present the latest results, new methods and to consider the physical principles of theranostics with a special view of the implementation of the protection measures.