This year marks the 10th anniversary since the establishment of the independent regulatory authority for radiation and nuclear safety in the Republic of Serbia based on the decision of the Government as of 10 September 2009. This, at the same time, marks 60 years of...
4-5 December 2019, Brussels, Belgium – Director of the Directorate participates in the 3rd Training & Tutoring Coordination Meeting carried out as part of Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation and financed by the European Commission’s Directorate-General...
The students of Biomedical and Eco Engineering Module, who have the course in Toxic and radioactive waste management, had an opportunity today, through presentations by the Directorate’s employees to gain better insight into radioactive waste management regulatory...
2 December 2019, Vienna – Argentinian diplomat Rafael Mariano Grossi takes office as Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) at a special session of the IAEA’s General Conference. With a career spanning over 35 years of experience,...
Monday, 25 November – The first conference Nuclear Safety Today was successfully held in the House of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia. The meeting, organized by Serbian Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security Directorate SRBATOM, gathered...
It is generally believed that people are afraid of nuclear energy since it started with a nuclear bomb. If electricity had started with an electric chair, the public nowadays would probably perceive it in a different way, said Dr Bojan Radak in response to questions...