SRBATOM representative participates in “Look Up” conference

SRBATOM representative participates in “Look Up” conference

Assistant Director at Serbian Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security Directorate, Mr. Branko Brajic participated in the panel discussion at the two-day “Look Up” conference, held on 07 and 08 December on Kopaonik. For these two days, prominent experts discussed the...

RER6040 – Enhancing Radiotherapy Delivery Through Improved Use of Advanced Dosimetry and Radiotherapy Techniques – Regional Training Course on Image Guided Radiotherapy for Cervical Cancer: A Focus on Brachytherapy, 27 – 31 March 2023, Novi Sad, Serbia

Позив за скуп са детаљнијим информацијама о програму и потребним квалификацијама потенцијалних учесника можете преузети овде . Више информација о скупу можете погледати овде. OEH (Occupational exposure history) образац можете преузети овде. Крајњи...
Nikola Tesla Museum marks 70th anniversary

Nikola Tesla Museum marks 70th anniversary

The Nikola Tesla Museum celebrated today 70 years since its establishment. The numerous invitees attending the celebration were hosted by Ivona Jevtic, Director of the museum, Sladjan Velinov, Director of Serbian Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security Directorate...

RER6040 – Enhancing Radiotherapy Delivery Through Improved Use of Advanced Dosimetry and Radiotherapy Techniques – Virtual Regional Training Course on Advanced treatment planning workflow: from contouring to plan evaluation. Prostate & Lymph nodes, 06 – 24 February 2023

Позив за скуп са детаљнијим информацијама о програму и потребним квалификацијама потенцијалних учесника можете преузети овде . Више информација о скупу можете погледати овде. Крајњи рок за подношење комплетне документације Директорату за овај скуп...