On 26 June 2023 the representatives of the European Commission (EC) and the Delegation of the European Union to Serbia made an official visit to Serbian Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security Directorate (SRBATOM). The meeting, which was held at the Directorate premises was initiated by the EU Delegation to Serbia and Ms Elektra Tsigaridas, Project Manager in the Sector for Nuclear Safety at the Directorate General for International Partnerships of the European Commission.
The meeting was the occasion for Ms Tsigaridas to present herself as a new EC Programme Manager for Serbia and to express her appreciation to the Directorate and its Director, Mr. Velinov of the effective cooperation so far.

Ms Tsigaridas also used this opportunity to express her expectation to continue working with the Directorate on new projects focusing on the cooperation between the Directorate and the European Commission, to ensure further support to Serbia form the EC in the field of nuclear safety, and finally to further develop this collaboration between the EC and the regulatory body of Serbia.
Besides Ms Tsigaridas, the meeting was attended by EC Joint Research Centre representatives – Mr Klaus Mayer and Mr Stephan Brumm; the EU Delegation to Serbia representative, Mr Gligo Vukovic; and Director Velinov, Maja Eremic Savkovic, Milan Vujovic and Predrag Ivanovic from the Directorate.
Following the meeting, all participants took the opportunity to have a tour of the centre of Belgrade and to get acquainted with the historical landmarks and tourist attractions of Belgrade.