Maja Gojkovic, President of the Provincial Government of Vojvodina and the Chair of SRBATOM Board, had a meeting today with Huang Ping, Secretary General of China Atomic Energy Authority (CAEA) and his associates. Maja Gojkovic as the head of Serbian delegation at the IAEA 68th GC and Huang Ping agreed on an ample window of opportunity for cooperation between the Republic of Serbia and the People’s Republic of China in the field of nuclear energy, especially in the light of our traditionally good and close relationships and steel friendship confirmed in recent signing of a Joint Statement between the Republic of Serbia and the People’s Republic of China on deepening and raising the comprehensive strategic partnership and building a Serbia-China community with a shared future in the new era by the President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic and the President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping.

Maja Gojkovic acquainted Huang Ping with the current circumstances in the Republic of Serbia regarding the development of peaceful uses of nuclear energy and the steps our country is taking in this field. She used this opportunity to emphasize the importance of support China can, based on the decades of extensive experience in nuclear programme development, provide to Serbia, primarily in the education of staff, exchange and mutual visits of experts. As she pointed out, our country deems as important to further develop its legislative framework in this field, and support of China in this regard is precious. On behalf of Serbian Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security Directorate, Gojkovic proposed signing of cooperation agreement between the Directorate and CAEA, which was warmly welcomed by the CAEA Secretary General.
Huang Ping greeted all the activities Serbia is carrying out in order to develop the nuclear energy field and expressed his readiness to support our country on this course. He also pointed out that numerous educational institutions in China had developed the scholarship programmes for foreign students, which is another possibility to extend the cooperation between two countries.

As members of Serbian delegation, the meeting was also attended by Zarko Obradovic, the Ambassador – Permanent Representative of the Republic of Serbia to the OSCE and Other International Organizations in Vienna, and Sladjan Velinov, Director of Serbian Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security Directorate.