11. February 2020.
Optimization of protection measures in existing and emergency exposure situations

03 – 07 February 2020 – In the framework of TAIEX – Technical Assistance and Information Exchange Instrument of the European Commission, Serbian Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security Directorate organized a workshop on the topic of “Setting the reference levels and dose assessment in emergency and existing exposure situation to check compliance with the prescribed levels”

In cooperation with the European Commission expert Helena Janzekovic representing the Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration (SNSA), the representatives of the Directorate made use of this workshop not only to define and analyse the existing exposure situations in the Republic of Serbia, but also to look at the options and manner of exercising regulatory control in line with the regulations of both the Republic of Serbia and the European Union.

A meeting with the representatives of laboratories for environmental radioactivity monitoring was organized on the final day of the workshop. The meeting was devoted to the issues of ionizing radiation exposure in consumer goods and exposure-related risks for the public. Having in mind the fact that the Directorate is preparing bylaws regulating, among other things, radioactivity control in consumer goods, any contribution of field experience that these laboratories have is of great importance; accordingly, the meeting was an opportunity to arrange for further cooperation between the representatives of these laboratories and the Directorate.